Tuesday 8 July 2014

Written Episode : Jodha Akbar 8 July 2014

Jodha Akbar Written Episode 8 July 2014

                              The Episode Starts with, Jalal says to jodha that what you asked today in prayers, jodha says I pray that you win war and also nigaar’s heart, I hope you come after winning war, jalal says I am sorry, I have to take to battlefield, jodha says I am your wife, I will happy to come with you, jalal says I don’t know whether I will able to fight against my sister but still you were with me in this situation, thanks, jodha says I will be with you always, jalal says today I am alone, you are with me but I am running saltant alone, I would want my heir to run this government with me, jodha blushes.
                             All women are packing their stuffs, one wife ask till when this war will go on, ruks says I don’t know, this is war, pray to god that this war ends fast and don’t think about your cloths and jewelry, we are not going for celebrations, so just take what is needful there, just take things of 10seer(seer is unit of weight in those times). maham comes there and says I have one suggestion that harem should not go on war like this, ruks says jalal ordered that he doesn’t want someone attack palace in his absence, also you seem happy with this war, maham says no one likes war and if you ask women of harem they will say that they don’t want to go on war, will they be able to bear war, ruks says you all have 2 options that to either stay here in your comfortable beds or come with jalal as his support.

                           Chand begum is pleading to let her go to her daughter, soldier says that this women is of no use now, he kills her, it turns out be bad dream of nigaar, she gets up and says I am unlucky that I couldn’t free you from jalal’s clutches, mahaC comes to her and ask what happened, you got afraid of me? nigaar says no I got afraid because of bad dream, they were beating my mother, mahaC says don’t rely on dream which you see with closed eyes, fulfill dream which you have seen from open eyes, you are distracting from war, 1st take revenge from them, bring jalal in feet of your mother, then he will beg infront of your mother. 
jodha is packing her stuff, jodha feels dizzy and sit on bed, moti ask dasi to bring doctor, jodha feels like vomiting, doctor comes there and checks jodha, doctor smiles and informs jodha that congrats you are going to be mother, jodha and moti are surprised, jodha gets up happily and touches her belly. doctor says I will inform hamida and will get my gift, jodha stops her and says you will not tell her this, moti ask why, jodha says after much difficulty jalal agreed to go n war against his sister, if he gets to know that I am pregnant then he can stop the war, I don’t want jalal to flow in emotions, I will tell him after war, moti says so many days? jodha says you remember when sharif attacked amer, bhabhi didn’t tell about her pregnancy, we are rajvanshi, I have to become jalal’s strength not weakness, for future of nation I have to hide this news from jalal, she request doctor to not tell this to anyone, doctor says when you can do so much then also I will not tell this till war, jodha thanks her and gives her ring, jodha thinks that I hope I took right decision, dasi comes to jodha and says bakshi wants to go with jalal on wa, jodha says but its her last days of pregnancy, dasi says she is not listening anyone, jodha says moti you go and ask jalal to stop bakshi, moti says you take care.

                           Jodha comes to bakshi and ask where are you going, bakshi says its order that whole harem will go and I am part of it, jodha says this is not good for your child, bakshi says I have thought of it and I am going, jalal says no, I don’t know much but I know that in last days women cant go on journeys, I cant take risk with your child, bakshi says I think it will be good if I come with you, jalal says I am taking harem for security and I understand that its not safe for you to come, I have listened that starting 3 months of pregnancy and last months are crucial, jodha gets lost in thinking, jalal ask her what happened, are you thinking that you will stay here with bakshi? jodha says no I will accompany you, jalal says then make bakshi understand that she cant come and also sharif will stay with you, I don’t know when I will be father but I will become uncle soon, jodha thinks I wish I could tell jalal that he is becoming father but now king is more needed then a father.

                            Moti says I don’t think that you should go on journey in this state, jodha says be quit, jalal wants me there and I will go, she prays to kahna that sorry I didn’t tell anyone this good news but I want jalal to focus on war and save his nation. 
All harem women comes towards the gate of palace, all shahi wives and women sit in their respective palanquin, atgah, munim comes there then jalal alongwith todar and mirza comes there. adham comes to maham and says you promised that you will not le me go to war, maham says but jalal is taking whole harem what could I do, adham says nothing work for you, he leaves, jalal is passing by jodha’s palanquin, he looks at her, jodha nods him to be careful, jalal greet kahna idol and leaves from there, their caravan starts their journey towards war, jodha that protection of Mughal sultant is in your hands kahna, please save it.

                          Voiceover says that the king won over a brother and jalal started his journey to do war with nigaar. soul talk- jalal says if I would have known that you were pregnant then I wouldn’t have gone to war. jodha'’s soul says that’s why I didn’t tell you this news, I wanted you to save your nation. jalal’'s soul says that this is the unique thing in you that you hide things for betterment of others but our relation was like this that we get to know thing about each other without saying it. 
Nigaar and mali gets to know that jalal is coming for war and harem is with him, nigaar says that in war you need soldiers to fight, will he fight alongwith his women? I have gone through a lot, me and my mother has suffered a lot but jalal is wrong in thinking that I am a women and I am weak no I will fight with him, I am a Mughal too, I have practiced a lot for this day that’s why mahaC has given me her whole force, nigaar says to mali that let Mughal women come here, I will show them, I will capture them and will put them in prison like jalal has done with my mother. then a queen will be owner of Mughal saltanat, mali angrily looks at her.


                    Jalal is with jodha, jodha feels like vomiting, jalal ask are you alright? jodha thinks that I have to control, what if jalal sees my health and gets to know that I am pregnant then It will be big problem.

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