Saturday 21 June 2014

Written Episode:Saath Nibhana Saathiya 20 june 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya Written Episode 20 june 2014

                       The Episode Starts with, Meera happily informs Rashi that we will meet Kokil and Gopi soon. Rashi says yes. Gopi sees a man scolding his mother and asks him how can he scold his mother like that. While she is busy there, Tripti and Radha take unconscious Kokila with them.
                             Rashi and Meera start clicking pics at once place when Meera sees Tripti and Radha taking Kokila forcefully with them. She starts following them and calls daadi/Kokila. Tripti and Radha see her, hide their faces and start walking fast while Meera follows them. Rashi realizes that Meera is not with her and start searching her.
                            Gopi is still scolding a man for scolding his mother and going on a pilgrimage of another mother/god. She asks old woman that she will help her complete the pilgrimage either. Man realizes his mistake and apologizes. Gopi turns back and sees Ahem there. She meets him and informs that Kokila is with her. She takes him near the palanquin but does not find Kokila. Rashi also comes and informs that Meera is missing. Ahem gets angry on Rashi. Gopi says we should search Kokila and Meera separately. They all search them both don’t find them. Ahem again starts scolding Rashi for missing Meera. Jigar gets Hetal’s call and informs her that they met Gopi but now Meera and Kokila are missing.
                          Hetal and family start crying worrying about Kokila and Meera when Urmila comments that it is because of carelessness. Kinjal scolds her and says situation must be different there and whoever is there will understand it. Urmila says she is just worried about Meera and Gopi. Meera runs behind Kokila calling her daadi while Tripti and Radha drag her. Kokila asks them where are they taking her. Tripti says she is ill, so they are taking her to doctor. Jigar says we ware going through rough time, we will have to unite together and search Meera and Kokila. Rashi says yes. Gopi hugs Ahem and asks will they find Kokila and Meera. Ahem says yes and they all go in search of them.
                       Radha gets tired carrying Kokila and asks her till when we will carry her. Tripti says we cannot push her from here, we will have to go some more distance. Gopi and party come near palanquin and asks men who carried it where is Kokila. They are still inebriated and say they don’t know. Ahem gets angry on them. Gopi asks him to move ahead and search them. A lady sees Gopi crying and ask why is she crying. Gopi says her mother and daughter are missing. Lady says she has come to god’s house and god will find her mother and daughter.
                     Meera is still running behind Kokila. Tripti and Radha hear her voice and hide. Meera thinks there were 2 other people with daadi, where did they go. She then sees them and starts following again. Ahem asks Gopi if she found Meer and Kokila. Gopi says no. Ahem asks Gopi to stay with Rashi while he and Jigar search them. Gopi says she will also come with them. Ahem consoles her and asks her to believe in god. Rashi also says like I got Kokila’s slipper, we will find Kokila and Meera soon.
Precap: Tripti warns Meera that she will kill both her and Kokila.

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