Saturday 21 June 2014

Written Episode: Saath Nibhana Saathiya 21 june 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya Written Episode 21 june 2014 

                               Episode starts with, Gopi informs that it is god’s wish that they met again and says the whole incidents how she found Kokila and rest of events after that. She prays god will help us meet Kokila and Meera. Ahem goes in search of Meera.
                             Chirag tries to console Parag and asks him to believe in god and pray for Kokila/Meera. Madhuben calls Hetal and asks about Kokila and Gopi. Hetal says Gopi is found, but Meera and Kokila are missing. Madhuben gets worried about them and prays god for their wellness. Meera is still following Tripti and Radha who are carrying Kokila. Tripti and Radha see her and Radha hides while Tripti tries to run carrying Kokila.
                            Urmila sees children sitting silently and says if they will not talk to them, she will cry. Samar asks her to stop overacting. She asks what she can do to make them happy. Kids tell them their favorite dishes. Urmila angrily goes to bring the dishes. Rashi informs Gopi that Meera before missing called daadi. Gopi says she must have seen Kokila then and run behind her. They both see a religious group guide informing about the religious places and its importance. Gopi says Rashi that she knows she will Meera be and takes Rasi with her.

                           Meera asks Tripti who is she and why is she carrying her daadi. Tripti says she loves her daadi a lot and now she will kill both her and her daadi. She drops Kokila on ground and starts fighting with Meera. Radha while looking at their fight fall from the cliff and calls for help.
                        Urmila thinks she thought of enjoying here until Kokila comes back and thinks Radha should work instead. She calls Radha. Hetal informs her that Radha went to her home in the morning. Urmila says she did not see her at house. Hetal says she must have gone when she came here. Urmila thinks of calling and Madhuben and check what Radha is doing in her house in her absence. She calls Madhuben who does not pick her call as she is busy praying god. Urmila thinks behind her, these mother and daughter are enjoying in her house.
                      Rashi says Rashi that we should check each religious place and she is sure Kokila and Meera will be found there. Meera overpowers Tripti and pushes her on ground. She tries to get up Kokila and hears Radha calling for help and thinks she is hearing some known voice. Tripti thinks if she helps Radha, Kokila and Meera will elope from there and thinks it is good if Radha is dead as she knows all her secrets. She tries to carry Kokila again when Meera pushes her and takes Kokila with her. A monkey attacks Tripti. Meera hears Radha plight for help and goes to help her.
                     Ahem and Jigar search Meera and Kokila all around while Radhi and Gopi also are searching them. Gopi prays god to help her meet her daughter and to show her a way or sign to reach them. Rashi sees Meera’s dupatta on a wall and shows it to Gopi, she says that means Meera is around us.
               Tripti pulls electric poll and drops it on Kokila. Electric wire touches Kokila and she gets electrocuted while Tripti smirks seeing that.

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